7 steps to not screw up in a public presentation

A human being can feel different emotions in the way of dialogue or dealing with others. In some cases there are people who prefer not to speak and just listen, but what happens when you have to give a presentation in public?
Some do not worry about it, however, many suffer from stage fright. Let me explain, stage fright refers to the intense fear that a person can feel when faced with the situation of speaking in public. There are a number of symptoms such as: sweating, constant desire to go to the bathroom and in most cases the person stutters, since he is afraid of failing. That is why we offer you some tips that will be useful when making a presentation.
Know who your audience will be
Therefore, one of the tips provided by experts is that you know who your audience will be, so that you can prepare yourself according to their needs. If you manage to have chemistry with the listeners, your exhibition will be a success, since you will have managed to integrate into the group.
Rehearsal and repetition will lead to better exposure. The only thing that you need to keep in mind and emphasize is the mastery of your topic. A good alternative to know what details you are failing is to record your presentation, and there you will know what you need to improve.
use slides
Use equipment to help you carry the message. According to the Universia Colombia portal, it explains that a slide presentation allows for better assimilation of information. Also, you can try PowerPoint or Prezi, which can be used for free. Of course, you must use the rule created by Guy Kawasaki, which is about making the exhibition more dynamic, since it should not have more than 10 slides and its duration should be 20 minutes. Try not to have distracting elements, so that your audience stays alert to the main message.
Tell a personal anecdote or inspiring story
I remember that when I was taking the speech class at the University, my professor advised us that it is good to tell a personal anecdote to begin or end. As she said "There is no better example than oneself", so look for something that is assimilated to the information you want to carry and you will get better results. Another option is to look for inspiring stories or end with a quote from a famous person, it all depends on your style.
Make eye contact with the audience
It is important to have contact with the public because this will be the most effective way to convince them about your idea or project. When ballet dancers have to turn in one direction, they look for a fixed point so as not to get dizzy and thus stay focused. Do it when you speak! Look for a fixed point and you will feel more confident when exposing.
Stay on the main topic
Don't let go of your main idea and go for it. Your public are people like you and me, you just have to trust your potential and know why you are standing in front of them. Simply emphasize the most important points that you want to highlight. Focus on them!
Before you begin, take a deep breath and be sure of your talents and abilities. Remember that you should not be like them, just present yourself according to your personality.
So enjoy the exposure and express yourself with confidence.
I hope it helps you in your daily life.
Frederick G.
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