Why are men more sexual than women?

- Introduction
- Men think more about sex
- The man enjoys making love with more passion
- It is easier to excite a man than a woman
- Men experience orgasms differently than women.
In much of the world there are stereotypes and these are the ones that tell us that we males have a greater sexual appetite and we can do it anywhere and at any time . But not so the woman, the female race would only do it if there is a room with lit candles or as a reward because you went ahead to wash the dishes. Will it be true?
Consequently this is true. It is not that it is difficult to believe or that they are telling us something that we do not know and to reinforce this affirmation we have the result of a study that was carried out with a sample of "alpha males" where the masculine sexual impulse is stronger than the feminine one and as if that were not enough, they found to be more direct. In contrast, the libido of the ladies was much more difficult to determine.
It is time for all males to take advantage of this advantage and go hunting, but not before learning the following :
Men think more about sex
Most males under the age of 60 think about sex at least once a day . But only a quarter of ladies say they think about it that often. We imagine this act less regularly as we get older, but men will continue to fantasize twice as much as women.
The man enjoys making love with more passion
Men want more sex than women at the beginning of a relationship, in the middle and after many years. It's not just about heterosexuals; Gay men also have sex more often than lesbians at all stages of a relationship. Men also say they want more sexual partners throughout their lives and are more interested in casual sex.
It is easier to excite a man than a woman
What turns women on? Many times they don't seem to know it either, while for men it is easy to decipher. Heterosexual men are often more attracted to representations of male-female and female-female.
Gay men are turned on by seeing masculine-masculine . In the case of women, it might surprise us that heterosexuals would say that they are more attracted to masculine-feminine. But genitally they show the same reaction with male-female, male-male and female-female.
In contrast, women may be more open to same-sex relationships thanks to their carnal impulses. Women probably have the ability to be sexually interested in and fall in love with their own gender more than men do, they won't necessarily do it, but they do have the potential.
Men experience orgasms differently than women.
A fact that will surely give peace of mind to all our males is that normally men take an average of 4 minutes from the beginning of the sexual act to ejaculation. In contrast, women typically need 10-11 minutes to reach orgasm, if at all.
So we can stop feeling "not very profitable" at the time of the sexual act and start enjoying those 4 minutes of pleasure. Of course, good sex is always about two, so look for ways to satisfy your partner before or after so that it is more and more pleasant.
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