Beard growth balm, does it really work?


For a while we've been hearing about products that seem to work wonders, products that make our beards grow the way we've always wanted. There are several brands and in other articles we tell you which ones we consider to be the best and why. ( Here is the link so you don't forget it ) but really, what is it that makes them so special?

Beard growth balms consist of ingredients that achieve this "miraculous effect" but here you will learn what they are and why they are beneficial:

Minoxidil. It is a vasodilator that is mainly used for hair growth. Coincidentally, it was discovered that it had some very interesting side effects such as hair growth and regression of baldness. In the 1980s, Upjohn Corporation, a pharmaceutical company, began producing a 2% concentrated Minoxidil solution to treat baldness and hair loss and soon after realized that they could increase the percentage amount of Minoxidil and achieve optimal results.

Oils. In this case, many of the balms contain oils of various origins, the important thing is that they help moisturize your facial hair and that they do not irritate your skin.

It is very important to remember that each product has its own way of use and that if you decide not to respect it, it is likely that the process and the result will not be as expected.

For this reason, we recommend that if you have a beard and it does not work out in the best way , try these products, since it is scientifically proven that they help to develop hair by stimulating the follicle .

If you want to try it, you know that you can get these products at


  • alexis quevedo

    buenas tardes
    acabo de leer el articulo, y si a mi me salen los bellos en el mentón pero cortos de hay para allá nada, no hay problema que me lo aplique directamente a la piel, verdad?
    espero su respuesta, gracias!!

  • Leonardo Kirty

    Ese valhalla es puro choro, latitas de 60ml y bien caras, mejor es comprar el minoxidil en la farmacia y te evitas de pedos, lo mismo el melchor bross, puros merolicos burladores

  • Kris Kesiak

    I’m a photographer and to illustrate your article you’re using one of my images. Please remove it immediately. Thank you.

  • andres

    Y neta si sirve la pomada valhalla y en q tiempo veo resultados o nomas es puro marketing

  • gerardo

    porque no venden VALHALLA es muy bueno y mas barato pero muy dificil de conseguir

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